Tax Incentives |
Section 179 Calculator:
Are you considering whether or not to purchase or lease equipment in the current tax year?
This Section 179 Deduction Calculator may very well help in your decision, as Section 179 will save your company a lot of money.
How much money can Section 179 save you?
The Section 179 Deduction has a real impact on your equipment costs. Here’s an easy to use calculator that will help you estimate your tax savings. Simply enter in the purchase price of your equipment and/or software, and let the calculator take care of the rest.
Section 179 Calculator
Answers to the Three Most Common Section 179 Questions
How Much Can I Save on My Taxes This Year?
It depends on how much qualifying equipment and software you purchase and put into use this year. We have a fully updated Section 179 Calculator that can show you your expected tax savings.
What Sort of Equipment Qualifies?
Most tangible business equipment, both new and used, qualifies. Click here for an updated list of qualifying property.
When Do I Have to Do This By?
Section 179 always expires at midnight, December 31st. So to take advantage of Section 179 this year, you must buy (or lease/finance) your equipment, and put it into use, by December 31st of this year.
